Paolo Pellegrin was born in Rome in 1964. He became a Magnum member in 2005 and has been a Newsweek contract photographer since 2000.In 1995, his reportage on AIDS in Uganda awarded him with the first prize at World Press Photo in the “Daily Life” category. In 1996, he won the Kodak Young Photographer Award-Visa D’Or in Perpignan for his images on AIDS in Uganda and he was selected to be a part of the World Press Photo Master Class. The same year he was awarded the EuroFuji Award/Italy.
The book Children, containing images of children in Uganda, Rumania and Bosnia, came out in 1997. First prize at the International Photofestival in Gijon for his work on Children in Bosnia was awarded to Pellegrin in that same year. His book, Cambodia, was published in November, 1998. The book was the result of Pellegrin’s collaboration with MSF (Medicines sans Frontieres) in Italy. In 1999 he was awarded third prize in the category, “Portraits,” at World Press Photo. In 2000 he won first prize at World Press Photo in the “People in the News” category for his work on Kosovo, received an Honorable Mention in the Hansel-Mieth Award for a story on Albania, and was the recipient of the prestigious Hasselblad Grant. He was awarded the EuroFuji Award/Italy for 2001 and the Leica Medal of Excellence also in 2001. In 2002, he won the Hansel-Meith Award for a story on a Bosnian village and won First Prize in the World Press Photo in the “People in the News” category for his work in Algeria as well as an Honorable Mention for the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award. In the same year, his book Kosovo: The Flight of Reason was published. Pellegrin also served as a jury member for World Press Photo. In 2003, he was awarded the ‘ Borsa di Studio Marco Pesaresi” in Italy. He also received the Overseas Press Club Olivier Rebbot award in 2004 and World Press Photo 2nd prize stories for Arafat’s funeral.
In 2005 he won first prize in the World Press Photo Portrait Stories with his work from the funeral of Pope Jean Paul II and he won third prize in the Arts and Entertainments section with images from the New York Fashion Week.
He is one of the authors of ‘Off Broadway.’